I just made a cake for a client who has green running through their veins just like my family. So it was fun to make this John Deere cake for a little boy's first birthday. James is such a lucky little guy and he gets two birthday parties. So I made two cakes with the same theme, but different looks.
Cake #1 with a simple, clean look.

Cake #2 with more design.

A close up of the tractor.

Looks great, Jami!! James will love it!!! :)
what a cute cake, Jami! I may need some assistance come April for Paige's b.day. Do you deliver??:)
Thank you so much for answering my questions, I appreciate it! It cleared up any potential problems :)
I am hoping to get two different cakes done for the weekend and cannot wait to start.
Thanks again!
SO CUTE! I just may be giving you a call for Gavin's first birthday in April. You have real talent Jami!
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